Perform Better Summits 2010 – Ready for TAKEOFF!


It’s a pretty exciting time right now…the Spring semester is winding down and it’s about time to kickoff the Perform Better 3-day summits for 2010! First stop is Providence, RI for the first of three Summits this summer on June 4-6, 2010. This is shaping up to be a record crowd for a summit. Personally the summits are some of my favorite experiences, not only because of the LARGE number of enthusiastic attendees but because it gives me a chance to listen and hang out with some of the very best in the fitness and conditioning business.

If you’ve never been to a Perform Better Summit please be sure to make it out to one of the three stops this summer (Providence, Chicago, and Long Beach, CA) and come DO WORK with me as I present on all of the Cardio Strength Training Protocols in both lecture and hands-on format!

Download the entire program and list of speakers/topics for all three of the PB Summits….

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