2010 Cougar Strength Clinic – An AMAZING Success!


With a capacity crowd of over 125 attendees packing the house @ College of the Canyons this weekend, it’s safe to say that we DID WORK! The day started with Mike Wunsch of Results Fitness giving an amazing presentation on how they piece together their training programs at one of the best gyms in the country. Next up was Sean Skahan of the Anaheim Ducks talking about In-Season strength & Conditioning with his athletes. This is a truly informative presentation that we were all able to take away tidbits to use in our own training programs. The last of the lectures featured former NFL player turned trainer and now researcher Pete Koch who teamed with Dr. Jim Kovach to talk to us about the role of genetics in injury prevention and performance enhancement. Some very interesting stuff and definately a converstation starter with our attendees!

The day was wrapped with yours truly taking over 80 attendees through a variety of Cardio Strength Training protocols. We played with tabatas and circuits using everything from ropes, to TRX’s, to sleds, sandbells, medballs, kettlebells, bands, and valslides. We left our share of sweat on the gymnasium floor! Wink

Had a chance to grab a few cold ones with some of the attendees and presenters after….also got a chance to shoot a webisode of Snatches & Beer with Sean Skahan (which will be available in the premium membership area when it drops June 1st!)

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